Our values
Not sure if we’re right for you? The values that are reflected in everything we do will tell you more about us and our company. Just as we want to be a company that inspires people in attitude, deference and mutual respect, we also want to be a company where people are happy and satisfied in their work.
We offer security and stability
At our company, we trust and rely on each other. We’ll support you and have your back covered when times get tough, or offer you the opportunity to work from home.
You won’t be just a number to us. We’re interested in how you are doing, and how we can help you, not just in your working life. We’re also always keen to hear your opinion – whether you’re a recent graduate or have lots of experience.
We communicate openly
We communicate openly
You won’t be just a number to us. We’re interested in how you are doing, and how we can help you, not just in your working life. We’re also always keen to hear your opinion – whether you’re a recent graduate or have lots of experience.
We help you develop, grow and change
If you want to work on yourself – we support your potential. You’ve got a great idea – we value creativity and courage, so tell us about it. And rest assured, if one day you start longing for a career change, we’ll be on your side, looking for opportunities within the company.
All beginnings are challenging. That’s also why we support each other. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a temp, an employee or a manager – we’re all equal, no matter what, with no exceptions. Plus, if you work hard, we’ll notice.
We create a friendly environment
We create a friendly environment
All beginnings are challenging. That’s also why we support each other. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a temp, an employee or a manager – we’re all equal, no matter what, with no exceptions. Plus, if you work hard, we’ll notice.
We value humanity
Humanity matters to us – that’s also why we’re glad that there is no lack of it in our company, both on the employee and management side. We bring humanity into our communication, our approach, as well as into the decisions we make.
Our activities

More about Arval Competence Center Bratislava
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